Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Nearly 150 neglected dogs rescued from Bastrop Co. home

Nearly 150 neglected dogs rescued from Bastrop Co. home
Tuesday, May 24, 2011, 03:42 PM


Over the last several days, Bastrop County Animal Control and the Austin Humane Society have been working collaboratively to rescue almost 150 dogs from a Bastrop County home. Eighty-nine of the dogs were taken from the home on Friday and the remainder were removed today after the owners’ voluntarily surrendered them to Bastrop County Animal Control, stating they were overwhelmed with the number of dogs on their property.

The dogs were living in squalor, among feces, urine and trash. Several of the dogs had severely matted hair, filled with pounds of dirt and feces (photos attached) and all of the dogs were covered in urine and infested with fleas.

“It is astonishing to see these animals in this condition,” says Frances Jonon, AHS Executive Director, “and absolutely heartbreaking to see animals suffering such severe neglect.”

The majority of the dogs are under fifteen pounds and include breeds such as Yorkie, Pomeranian, Chihuahua, Dachshund, Poodle, Jack Russell, Cocker Spaniel, and mixes of these breeds as well as several Australian Cattle Dogs and one Great Pyrenees.

None of the dogs were spayed/neutered or properly vaccinated, and it is clear that they had not received proper veterinary care.

“We are seeing a variety of medical conditions including skin conditions, malnourishment, open sores, weeping eyes and severely matted fur,” says Jonon. “Yet, despite of all they have been through, their tails are wagging and they are ready to give affection.”

This rescue effort has instantly doubled the Austin Humane Society’s animal population, placing a large financial burden on the shelter. We are asking the community to support the animals in any way that they can, either through donations or adoption. In addition to monetary donations, medium, large and extra large wire crates, medium carriers and towels of all sizes are needed and can be dropped off at the shelter at 124 W. Anderson Ln. between 7am and 7pm any day this week.

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