Friday, September 17, 2010

Woman and Min Pin Attacked by Four Dogs on West 48th Street
Posted on September 16, 2010 at 5:49 PM

A woman was walking her leashed dog along West 48th Street on Tuesday when she says four large dogs came at her at once.

The four dogs were unleashed and not wearing collars. It took several people to break up the ruckus that left the woman and her dog hurt.

Tracy Vaught’s miniature pinscher Pipsqueak proved to be no match for the two mastiffs, cow dog and pit bull that came at him while he was out for a walk on his leash last Tuesday.

“Those dogs raced, at the speed of the wind, and attacked,” Vaught says. “It wasn't like we were in their territory. They just came in and attacked.”

The four dogs, named Puck, Luna, Pluto and Spot are now quarantined at Town Lake Animal Center. One of them bit Vaught on the back side and bit Pipsqueak all over, but not before neighbors got into the fray.

“One man came out with a plastic guitar, and he's trying to beat the dogs away, and the dogs are not relenting,” Vaught said. “And somewhere in all of this, the owner showed up. They didn't respond to his voice commands. He literally had to carry the hundred-pound mastiff to his house.”

The dogs' owner, Victor Angelica, believes people's panic made the situation worse. He believes his dogs were just trying to play.

“The fact that there was a neighbor hitting my dogs with a guitar, and they were not attacking anybody when I got outside, tells me that they were not being aggressive,” Angelica said. “I know how they play.”

Paul Streetman, who saw the whole thing, disagrees.

Streetman says, “This was a full-on attack. This woman was screaming for her life. The dogs had taken her small miniature pinscher and had it in its mouth, and were thrashing it back and forth like a rag doll. She got bit bad in the process, by a large bull mastiff. It was a very scary and disturbing event to witness.”

Angelica's dogs had been in a fence, required by the City of Austin. He believes his cow dog Spot opened the gate to his backyard. Angelica will get his dogs back on Monday, to some neighbors', including Vaught’s, disappointment.

“I don't think that anyone around a neighborhood that is full of elderly neighbors and children and people walking their baby strollers needs to have dangerous animals,” Vaught said.

Vaught, an animal lover herself, says she doesn't want to see Angelica's dogs put down -- just controlled.

Angelica says he's planning to pay Vaught for her expenses, totaling about $1100. If an Austin Animal Control Officer had seen the dogs unrestrained, Angelica could have been fined up to $500 per dog, for breaking the city's leash law. So far, the City of Austin has not ruled the dogs dangerous. That involves a court proceeding. All of the dogs are vaccinated, but Angelica cannot take them home until he pays impound fees totaling more than $500.

Angelica says he’s looking for another place to live, perhaps in a less densely populated area.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Austin City Council approves $757,000 increase in budget for Animal Services

Animal Services
The Animal Services program’s FY 2011 Budget
includes a $757,000 increase for the "No Kill Implementation Plan." This
plan includes 5.50 new full time
equivalent positions and several programs to
assist in increasing live animal outcomes to 90
percent in the Austin/Travis County community.

The 5.50 new positions include: 2 full time Vet
Technicians, a half-time Veterinarian, 1 full time Animal Behaviorist, 1 full time Public Health Educator
and 1 full time Animal Care Customer Services Representative Senior. In addition to
increased personnel, the plan includes funding for an offsite adoption program,
foster care program, spay street program, an emergency care fund and a public
awareness campaign.

Two new fees will be implemented in FY 2011 as
part of the Implementation Plan, an animal intake
fee and a wildlife relocation fee. These fees will
generate $22,500 in additional revenue. Other
revenue in the Animal Services program is
expected to have a net increase $25,052 based
on historical trends.

The FY 2011 Budget also includes a $50,000
increase as part of the Austin/Travis County
Interlocal agreement for the County portion of the
spay/neuter program.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Castrar/Esterilizar a su mascota!

Castrar/Esterilizar a su mascota!

Una mascota castrada/esterilizada ...
es mas saludable
vive mas tiempo
obedece mejor y es mas facil de entrenar
es mas tranquila y
tiene menor tendecia a vagar, escaparse o pelearse con otros animales
NO tiene cria!
Invierta en el futoro de su mascota ... es un precio pequeno que pagar por toda una vida de amor y carino

Los Dueños de Perros Deben Proveer

Los Dueños de Perros Deben Proveer

Suficiente comida fresca para el tamaño y edad

Agua fresca y limpia disponible a todos momentos

Para perros de patio, tener albergue disponible contra el mal tiempo

Si el perro esta amarrado, lacadena debe ser tres veces el tamaño de el perro y con un collar comodo

Si esta en jaula, el perro debera poderse parar doblar y moverse comodamente

Si esta en jaula, ejercisio adecuado

Cuidado veterinario para prevenir enfermedades y rabia

Contener el perro en su patio limpio y en condiciones sanitarias

Licensias, chapas y edentificasion en el collar

La Esterilización de los Perros y los Gatos



Documental revela cruda y triste realidad de perros realengos en Puerto Rico

Si alguna vez te has condolido por la situación de los perros abandonados, ¡ésta es tu oportunidad de hacer algo al respecto!