Sunday, June 12, 2011

Animal advocate supports Kathie Tovo for City Council

Tracey Whitley, former member of the Animal Advisory Commission and current member of the animal advocacy community, wrote this statement of support for Kathie Tovo for City Council:


I want to urge you to vote in the upcoming Council election run-off. I believe that this election is critical and can sway the direction the Council takes in the future and I urge you to vote for Kathie Tovo.

Despite the fear mongering by the home builders association, Mike Levy, and the chamber, Kathie was the clear choice for me and many other folks I work with on community and environmental advocacy issues. Tovo supports public safety across the board. That TV commercial attempting to scare people into thinking Tovo opposes safety, and even suggesting that building WTPA4 would help fire fighting is, frankly, shocking. There is not a shred of truth in it. And, Tovo has served on public planning and clearly understands the difference between "no growth" and "smart growth." Tovo stands for smart growth.

Tovo supports Austin as a No Kill city and she has promised an open door to animal welfare, environmental concerns and issues dealing with the poor and homeless. I believe that this will be a true open door where the insight and perspective of citizens will be heard.

I believe in Tovo so much that I have contributed to her campaign. I believe she can make a difference. I believe she is the better choice. Please vote on Saturday, June 18th. The animals need you. The environment needs you. The homeless need you. Austin needs you to make a change and make a difference.
Tracey Whitley