Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Nearly 150 neglected dogs rescued from Bastrop Co. home

Nearly 150 neglected dogs rescued from Bastrop Co. home
Tuesday, May 24, 2011, 03:42 PM


Over the last several days, Bastrop County Animal Control and the Austin Humane Society have been working collaboratively to rescue almost 150 dogs from a Bastrop County home. Eighty-nine of the dogs were taken from the home on Friday and the remainder were removed today after the owners’ voluntarily surrendered them to Bastrop County Animal Control, stating they were overwhelmed with the number of dogs on their property.

The dogs were living in squalor, among feces, urine and trash. Several of the dogs had severely matted hair, filled with pounds of dirt and feces (photos attached) and all of the dogs were covered in urine and infested with fleas.

“It is astonishing to see these animals in this condition,” says Frances Jonon, AHS Executive Director, “and absolutely heartbreaking to see animals suffering such severe neglect.”

The majority of the dogs are under fifteen pounds and include breeds such as Yorkie, Pomeranian, Chihuahua, Dachshund, Poodle, Jack Russell, Cocker Spaniel, and mixes of these breeds as well as several Australian Cattle Dogs and one Great Pyrenees.

None of the dogs were spayed/neutered or properly vaccinated, and it is clear that they had not received proper veterinary care.

“We are seeing a variety of medical conditions including skin conditions, malnourishment, open sores, weeping eyes and severely matted fur,” says Jonon. “Yet, despite of all they have been through, their tails are wagging and they are ready to give affection.”

This rescue effort has instantly doubled the Austin Humane Society’s animal population, placing a large financial burden on the shelter. We are asking the community to support the animals in any way that they can, either through donations or adoption. In addition to monetary donations, medium, large and extra large wire crates, medium carriers and towels of all sizes are needed and can be dropped off at the shelter at 124 W. Anderson Ln. between 7am and 7pm any day this week.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Heather Bailey, No Kill supporter, endorses Kathie Tovo for City Council

Statement by Heather Bailey about Kathie Tovo, City Council candidate

Kathie is a woman of her word. She has been a strong supporter of neighborhoods and keeping our schools open. I served on a board with Kathie and have great respect for her. She is intelligent, compassionate, and honest. She delves into issues to make sure she understands them and does the right thing. Kathie is a strong supporter of no kill and has learned a great deal about what it took to get Austin to this point. She will work to keep us moving forward and saving companion animal lives. Kathie also understands the role the rescue groups play in keeping Austin no kill. I feel very comfortable that she will be another advocate on the council.

Jackie Goodman's statement in support of Kathie Tovo for City Council

Jackie Goodman, animal-friendly Council Member from 1993-2005, on her support for Kathie Tovo in the June 18 run-off election for Austin City Council:

Many have worked hard for years on the Council & in the community, supporting a more sustainable, humane, committed direction for the City in animal welfare policy & program implementation. I'm truly appreciative & grateful for that, nothing can be taken away from anyone's efforts there.

In the current Council Place 3 race I don't see this as one of the issues that divides, as I support a long time friend & recent Planning Commissioner Kathie Tovo.

If Kathie wasn't an animal person though, if she didn't have genuine belief in & commitment to No Kill & another chance, increasing adoptions & affordability/accessibility of spay/neuter programs, didn't respect rescue groups, Boards/Commissions & other community voices - I would not have kept asking her to run these last six years.

Four of many good qualities from my perspective, Kathie is a hard worker who believes a Council Member's role is to serve the public; & that the "whole" is the sum of all its parts: she cares about all those parts. I bet Felix dog (formerly stray), Bartleby & Gracie cats (TLAC, Humane Society) would confirm that, if asked: she cares.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Quorum Report: Puppy mill bill appears to have legs

Published in Quorum Report www.quorumreport.com:

May 16, 2011 6:14 PM

Whitmire looking to clean up bill as it heads to Senate floor

The Senate sponsor of the so-called “puppy mill bill” is negotiating with interested parties, including an opposing senator, in the wake of a contentious hearing last week.

Sen. John Whitmire (D-Houston) convened a meeting this afternoon with Sen. Dan Patrick (R-Houston) and others to work on HB 1451 by Rep. Senfronia Thompson (D-Houston). The Senate Criminal Justice Committee reported the bill Friday 5-0, with Patrick and Sen. Joan Huffman (R-Southside Place) both absent, apparently due to scheduling conflicts.

Floor amendments reportedly may be forthcoming, and perhaps even a floor substitute, according to sources familiar with the legislation. Nevetheless, Whitmire, the committee chairman, has vowed to pass a bill to address the inhumane treatment of dogs and cats bred and hoarded for sale by unscrupulous, clandestine operators.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Competitive Place 3 campaign for Austin City Council

By attending the No Kill Coalition's candidates' forum on Sunday, May 1st, it was hard to discern a major difference in support for No Kill among the candidates for Place 3, the only competitive race in Austin's City Council election on Saturday, May 14. All three candidates for Place 3 pledged support for City Council's No Kill goal. The candidates' responses to the questionnaire sent out by FixAustin also showed that all three Place 3 contenders support No Kill.

Yet a number of Austin Pets Alive leaders are expressing personal support for Randi Shade. The Austin American Statesman endorsed incumbent Council Member Shade. Council Member Mike Martinez has also indicated his support for her. The Austin Chronicle, on the other hand, endorsed Kathie Tovo. The Sierra Club and environmental activists have also endorsed Ms. Tovo.

With the Austin community at large split on Place 3, it's possible that, if it turns out to be a close race, animal advocates may be able to make a difference...unless we split in the same manner as the rest of the community. It would be interesting to hear more from animal advocates on why they support one candidate or another. The fact that Austin Pets Alive leaders have endorsed Council Member Shade is likely to cause some APA followers, but not all, to vote with their leaders. But as we know, the Austin animal community is not just APA. Although APA has been more visible and active politically than other animal welfare organization, we have diverse views on a number of key issues that affect animals.

If you have not been paying attention to the Place 3 race, maybe you can take some time between now and next Saturday to look at the candidates' positions and make your opinions known. Whoever is elected in Place 3 will be sitting on City Council when the Council makes one of the most important decisions affecting the lives of homeless pets that will be made this decade - what to do about the current shelter facility once the shelter moves to Levander Loop. It deserves a little bit of your time and attention in the next 6 days.

Pat Valls-Trelles